Apple set to test driverless car?

According to a report revealed via the The Guardian, Apple has begun the process of testing a driverless car. The report states that: “Correspondence obtained by the Guardian shows Project Titan is further along than many suspected and company is scouting for test locations.”
Apple car
The report reveals that Apple, who is well known across the African continent for its mobile devices, is allegedly looking to test the vehicle in a remote location in the San Francisco Bay area.
According to the report, in May 2015, engineers from Apple’s secretive Special Project group met with officials from GoMentum Station, a 2,100-acre former naval base near San Francisco that is being turned into a high-security testing ground for autonomous vehicles.
In correspondence obtained by the Guardian under a public records act request, Apple engineer Frank Fearon wrote: “We would … like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using [it].”
Apple has hundred of engineers working on automotive technologies near its main campus. Google, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, Volkswagen and other carmakers have licences to test autonomous vehicles on California roads, but the process involved disclosing technical and commercial details, which notoriously secretive Apple may not want.
Randy Iwasaki, GoMentum owner Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s executive director told the Guardian, “We had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with Apple. We can’t tell you anything other than they’ve come in and they’re interested.” Apple however declined to comment.


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