The top of the Hauptdolomit is characterized by the development of fossil soils, reflecting a major sea-level fall. The extreme shallow water conditions continued uninterrupted for millions of years and led to deposition of an up to 1,000 meter thick succession of dolomite rock. This reconstruction seemed to fit the observations of naturalists of modern reefs, atolls and carbonate platforms – there was only one problem: only very limited formations of dolomite have been observed in such an environment today.
In the modern sea, only aragonite and calcite are stable minerals and therefore can form directly by precipitaton from the water. Dolomite forms only locally, in pools of warm and salty water. The inorganic formation of dolomite alone is too inefficient to explain the importance of dolomitic rocks in the stratigraphic record.
However, (micro-)organisms can significantly increase the precipitation of dolomite from seawater. In the early 20th century scientists started to experiment with microorganisms and sedimentation. The Russian microbiologist Georgi A. Nadson observed the nucleation of dolomite in cultures of bacteria and published his observation in a paper entitled “Microorganisms as geological factor” (1903). Despite these promising results, the difficulties in observing bacteria and the formation of the crystals prevented further research and the idea faded into obscurity for decades.
New impulses to this idea were provided by the discovery of microbial mats in coastal lagoons along the shores of Brazil. Today, we know that many modern tidal flats are covered by a community of algae and bacteria. These organisms secrete a sort of mucus (extracellular polymeric substances – EPS), which acts as sediment trap and provides favorable conditions for some minerals, forming laminated microbial mats.
Microbial mats in dolostone, photo by the author.
In the Hauptdolomit-formation, the fossil remains of similar mats can be found. Bacterial activity therefore seems to be an important factor to explain the deposition of dolomite rock.
There are two main ways in which organisms can contribute to the formation of minerals. Biotically-controlled precipitation happens when an organisms controls the extent, the kind and the rate of mineral formation, for example to form shells or skeletal elements. Biotically-induced precipitation occurs indirectly, as the presence of organic matter or byproducts of the metabolism (like the EPS) of a life form causes chemical reactions and favorable conditions for the formation of minerals.
A recently published study (KRAUSE et al. 2012) expanded the range of dolostone formation significantly, showing that in deep sea sediments there are bacteria that can induce the precipitation of dolomite from seawater. Despite these insights, many questions remain unanswered. Why are there phases in earth history when dolostone formation was so common? Why not today, despite microbial activity? Were these phases controlled by the evolution of the microbial communities or changes in the seawater chemistry? If so, what caused these changes in the oceans of the past?