All of that is pushed via a promotional video (as below) that also sees Klamborn explaining why she wanted to make her show a more democratic experience. “I am constantly inspired by youth culture but unfortunately the young fans are seldom seen in the fashion world. Therefore I invite them to my front row to break the traditional structures of the fashion world and show that the future holds so many opportunities,” she adds.

If that wasn’t enough, the robot installation will also serve as an interactive experience for those in attendance by lighting up in response to the reaction of the fans watching. This is achieved based on “likes” gained for each look through the Front Row app that is compatible with Google Cardboard (and will launch on the the App Store and on Google Play ahead of the February 3 date). Klamborn says she will use the resulting data in her evaluation of the show.
Emma Ohlson, secretary general of the Association of Swedish Fashion Brands and organiser of Fashion Week Stockholm, says: “This [fashion] week’s theme is fashion and technology, and Democratic Front Row shows that the Swedish fashion industry is not afraid to break new ground by embracing technology. With this unique virtual reality live-stream, the consumer’s engagement will be measured instantly, which is incredibly useful for brands and something I believe will become [the] norm in the future.”
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